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The need for innovation in didactics: inclusion and technologies

V. 9 N. 2 (2018): ESS - The need for innovation in didactics: inclusion and technologies

Laboratory Teaching in Classroom 3.0: an exploratory survey on the perceptions of teachers and students

21 novembre 2018


The workshop approach has a long and rich history of supporting teaching and learning activities in different training contexts. The workshop proposals pursue important training objectives, including: the enhancement of theoretical knowledge and their applications; the development of practical skills; the ability to solve problems; a scientific mindset; interest and motivation.

The organization of space and the use of supports, especially if technological, represent two central aspects of any educational planning, but assume within the laboratory proposals a founding role. For this reason, following the preparation of a room 3.0, an exploratory survey was carried out, of which this article explores the results, aimed at gathering information on the opinions, perceptions and attitudes of university teachers and students (future teachers) who participated in training proposals in a technologically equipped and functional space for a continuous redefinition of learning spaces

Riferimenti bibliografici

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