V. 15 N. 2 (2024): Intelligenza Artificiale nella scuola e nella formazione universitaria. Rischi e opportunità
AI in the class: Uses, doubts, challenges and perceptions of a sample of teachers from different nationalities
Università degli Studi "G. d'Annunzio" di Chieti - Pescara
In the post-digital context (Jandric et al., 2018; Ranieri and Bonaiuti, 2024; Eugeni, 2015), Artificial Intelligence has become a pivotal technology across many fields, including education (Hwang, Chang, 2023). This study examines teachers’ use of AI, analyzing its applications, perceptions, and impacts on pedagogy. Through a questionnaire administered to N = 133 teachers, the findings reveal a limited familiarity with AI, although educators recognize its potential to personalize learning and enhance administrative efficiency. Concerns persist regarding the potential erosion of teacher authority, the risk of superficial learning, and the ethical implications of AI usage. The research emphasizes the need for targeted teacher training and a thoughtful reflection on the consequences of AI adoption in educational settings (Panciroli and Rivoltella, 2023).
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