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V. 14 N. 1 (2023): Didattica universitaria, innovazione e inclusione. Valutazione e feedback

Using the Progressive Design Method in higher education: An analysis of cohesion, collaboration and inclusion dimensions

20 gennaio 2023


Many cognitive benefits for learning have been highlighted in the literature, due to peer feedback, but the relational aspects of this way of working, when it is implemented with groups of students, have been little investigated. This study aims to analyze some relational aspects of the use of peer feedback in the university context, considering in particular how the cohesion in the network of exchanges, the level of collaboration and inclusion of students, change during an activity carried out with a method based on peer feedback called Progressive Design Method. Eighteen undergraduate students participated in the study and worked in teams to develop projects in successive phases, each of which involved peer feedback in an online environment, Knowledge Forum. The results showed an increase in the values of the three dimensions (cohesion, collaboration and inclusion) in the first phases of work and a decrease in the last phase. The implications of the study focus on the possibility of creating collaborative learning environments in universities based on this method of work.

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