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Vol. 15 No. 2 (2024): Artificial Intelligence in Schools and University Education: Risks and Opportunities

Teaching and Prompt Engineering: A new digital skill for teachers in the era of Generative Artificial Intelligence

settembre 9, 2024


This contribution examines the impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) on teachers’ digital skills, with a particular focus on Prompt Engineering, a new discipline where soft and hard skills intertwine, offering a new landscape for educational practice. Starting from an analysis of the challenges, in terms of existing digital skills, encountered by teachers, it highlights the obstacles that hinder the adoption of advanced technologies in schools, such as the uneven distribution of skills and resistance to change (Badino et al., 2023; Lorenzoni, 2024). The article then explores possible solutions, proposing an integrated approach that combines the DigCompEdu framework, the SAMR model, and TPAK (Bocconi et al., 2018; Puentedura, 2009; Di Blas et al., 2018). Finally, it outlines the steps for crafting effective prompts in the educational context, with the goal of optimizing the interaction between teachers and AI, promoting a personalized and innovative teaching approach (Sentinelli and Placa, 2024; Miceli, 2023).


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