The approach we propose to the issue of educational poverty intertwines both the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (UN, 2015) and those of Global Education (Council of Europe, 2019) and the rights of minors declared in the Convention on Rights of Child (UN, 1989). In this perspective, we will investigate the issue of educational poverty in terms not only of lack of opportunities, deprivation and quality of life, but also as moral deprivation, orientations and life prospects, quality of the educational proposal and of the values inherent in it. Starting from the current situation generated by the coronavirus pandemic, we offer a reading of the effects on material poverty and educational poverties, also considering other poverties. The perspective is built around the centrality of ethics and the hypothesis of a new paradigm: the GEP (Gross Ethical Product) which education for the sobriety is associated to. In this logic, Global Education becomes a pedagogical approach to promote global citizenship education for a dignified life and an educational dignity.
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