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The need for innovation in didactics: inclusion and technologies

Vol. 9 No. 2 (2018): ESS - The need for innovation in didactics: inclusion and technologies

Analyze students' learning processes to innovate university teaching. The Formative Educational Evaluation model of the University of Bologna

novembre 4, 2018


The article aims to highlight how the knowledge of university students’ characteristics is a key-point for planning innovative teaching. The Bologna University Project refers to a Formative Educational Evaluation model, which is focused on higher education teaching skills and aims to have an impact on teaching and learning processes’ multiple levels and dimensions, in a diachronic perspective. The application of the model to different academic contexts of the University of Bologna was carried on by two evaluation research pilot studies with "Nursing" and "Economics and Finance" (CLEF) Degree teachers. This model includes evaluation actions specifically oriented in the formative sense (analysis and progressive re-planning of teaching actions supported by ad hoc higher education teachers training interventions) in order to promote teachers' capacity for reflection, self-analysis of their teaching practices and specific training actions based on innovative methodologies.


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