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Vol. 9 No. 1 (2018): ESS - Technologies and inclusion

Inclusion and New Technology for Students with Learning Disorders and Attention Deficit with Hiperativity Disorder

  • Simone Aparecida Capellini
  • Gabriela Franco dos Santos Liporaci
  • Larissa Sellin
  • Monique Herrera Cardoso
  • Catia Giaconi
  • Noemi Del Bianco
aprile 13, 2018


The purpose of this paper is to analyze possible correspondences between new technologies and inclusive practices for students with difficulties. This perspective allows authors to describe the use of Technology as a possible component of plurals educative settings, able to draw every actor involved on a variety of resources. The targeted use of technologies, intended as a potential, can allow the development and the improvement of inclusive dynamics within the educative field. Specifically this paper presents the technological resources which have enabled the inclusion of students with learning disorders, dyslexia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders, in the Brazilian scenario.


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