The present systematic review investigates studies carried out in the period 2007-2017, focusing on the use of technologies for augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) with the aim of improving the communication processes of persons (0-18 years) with complex communication needs related to motor impairments. Specifically, work develops an analysis of both the technological devices proposed and their effects on the implementation of the communication processes. The included studies are characterized by the heterogeneity of the proposals. The solutions presented and their evaluations return a complex framework in which multiple variables can influence the effectiveness and the success of the technological experiences. Finally, the study attempts to identify the future and possible areas that still need to be investigated and explored in the field of the AAC technologies. However, from the analysis of the included papers, it emerges that improvements in the research designs, in the evaluation tools and in the presentation of the results it is strongly necessary to ensure greater understanding of the results obtained.