The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education is transforming the way students learn, offering opportunities for personalization and automation of educational processes (Hendrycks et al., 2023). However, excessive use of these technologies poses significant psychological risks, particularly for younger generations. This narrative review aims to provide a state-of-the-art overview of the psychological impact of AI in education, highlighting both the benefits and risks associated with it. To avoid negative effects, a balanced approach to AI use is proposed, with strategies that include the development of digital literacy programs, ethical and transparent AI usage, and teaching metacognitive skills that allow students to critically assess the role of AI in their learning. This way, the benefits of AI can be fully harnessed without compromising students’ cognitive and psychological development (Kamalov e Gurrib, 2023; Sánchez-Prieto et al., 2020; Bulut et al., 2024; Abbas et al., 2023). The research phases are structured as follows: bibliographic research through scientific search engines, selection of articles based on inclusion criteria, and critical analysis of the obtained outcomes. The results, divided into different thematic areas, suggest possible coping strategies.
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