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Vol. 14 No. 2 (2023): Art, fashion and environment. Contemporary itineraries among landscapes, curves, and epistemological bumps

Aesthetic reflexivity: Between aestheticization and the search for new forms of authenticity

settembre 3, 2023


The paper investigates the connections between art and education in the context of the growing “reflexivity” that characterizes our era, highlighting, on the one hand, how the multiplication of signs and symbols available today allows for a more extensive realization of the multiple possibilities present in each one; on the other hand, drawing attention to the growing gap between “symbol” and “meaning”, evidenced by the pervasive “aestheticization” of daily life. This makes more difficult for people to find a convincing answer to the crucial existential questions that characterizes the human being. What follows is a lack of “meaning” which can find an answer, in the hypothesis advanced by the contribution, in re-accrediting the integrative and organic function of the aesthetic experience, which allows us to grasp – in line with the epistemology of complexity – those autopoietic phenomena which also underlie educational processes.


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