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Vol. 14 No. 2 (2023): Art, fashion and environment. Contemporary itineraries among landscapes, curves, and epistemological bumps

Knowledge and vision for a school as a safeguard of democracy

giugno 8, 2023


In the face of the complexity of the school question, the discourse on the latter is often superficial and draws neither on its in-depth knowledge supported by authoritative data and scientific expertise nor on a vision of the essential role of the school in promoting and safeguarding democracy. The paper therefore examines a set of evidence highlighted by national and international authoritative surveys and statistical sources from which many persistent critical issues stand out in the education and training system of our country, which fails to fulfill what is enshrined in our Constitution and indeed risks becoming a further vehicle of social discrimination. The Author therefore outlines some directions of priority commitment to restore value to the school as a lever of a democratic society: reweave the fabric of values, trust the school, cultivate the culture of evaluation, give educational centrality to school.


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