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Vol. 14 No. 1 (2023): University didactics, innovation and inclusion. Assessment and feedback

Laboratory teaching and shared feedback for the prefiguration of educational professionalism

gennaio 23, 2023


Creating participatory teaching practices in university environments, in collaboration with local education services, means opening a dialogue between experienced and novice professionals and generating a mutual exchange and enrichment. In this way, theory and practice nourish each other to co-construct new strategies responding to emerging challenges.
Within professionalizing online training paths – implemented during the pandemic emergency – the processes of producing-receiving feedback among all actors have fostered pedagogical reflections and designing actions. This approach has created a space in which to refine professional skills and awareness about education, thanks also to the testimony of experts in the field.
The experimentation of these processes – retraced with a reflective perspective – opens up further pathways for instructional and laboratory design and requires University as a community focused to maintain an open dialogue with students, so as to accompany them in the exploration of personal and professional identities.


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