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Vol. 13 No. 1 (2022): Young people, institutions and territories

Towards an inclusive pedagogy: The right to subjectivity

febbraio 28, 2022


These reflections have the purpose of analyzing the fundamental right to subjectivity, which, even today, is not guaranteed to all developing individuals, leading to an undeniable reduction in their own well-being and self-fulfillment for those belonging to minorities; they are the result of a qualitative research and bibliographic analysis conducted in the last decade as part of the Master’s degree on the protection, rights and protection of minors at the University of Ferrara.

The epistemological background, consistent with the methodological approach, of the arguments proposed is of a hermeneutic type, that is, it refers to an Interpretative Pedagogy.

In this context of signification, constructionist theories take on importance, which consider knowledge a process of construction of the tools that allow the subject to effectively interpret the world starting from the determination of a cognitive self. To this end, narrative - and in particular Self-narrative - becomes the main educational strategy because it allows a hermeneutics capable of combining the logical element with the emotional one in cognition, defining subjectivity as the experience that the individual has of himself as an actor and co-author of the system of meanings available to him. If this system of meanings offers the subject a grid of understanding of Self-in-the-world, it can also be considered the dynamic and epigenetic matrix in which the Self develops, but when this grid is deficient or absent, it determines a powerful deprivation for the subject who lacks the socio-affective anchors indispensable for the construction of his own identity. Therefore, in this context, it becomes fundamental to apply a concept of education as a multi-relational, multi-component and multi-directional transformative process.

With these few pages it is our intention to participate in the scientific debate around these crucial issues and to disclose, in the pedagogical field, the critical issues in order to contribute to their examination.


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