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Vol. 12 No. 2 (2021): Evaluation, feedback, equity: a challenge in education

Assessing to include students with autism spectrum disorders. Technology support for quality assessment

agosto 30, 2021


This paper explores the difficulties of effective assessment for students with autism spectrum disorders and notes how technologies can facilitate this process. Through a survey involving 276 secondary school teachers, an attempt was made to understand how ICTs are able to make testing more accessible to students with autism. The questionnaire used revealed what software and applications teachers, with at least five years’ experience, use in assessing students with autism spectrum disorders. The results show very limited knowledge on the part of classroom and support teachers (without a title) while it is apparent that those who have undergone university specialization training have greater ability to use technology to assess their students. All those who participated in the research suggest the need for a serious investment in the training of classroom teachers and support teachers to enable them to find in ICT new opportunities for a more inclusive assessment.


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