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No. 1 (2022)

Longevity in family business: A quantitative study on centenary family businesses from Campania and Andalusia

maggio 9, 2022


This work focuses on the longevity of family business to identify those factors capable of influencing it.
In order to identify these factors, was conducted a literature review which produced 3 assumptions, one for each driver identified.
Subsequently, it was carried out a quantitative analysis on two samples of centenary family businesses belonging to different geographical areas, one Italian and one Spanish, with the aim of testing the validity of the assumptions and verifying similarities, differences and points of contact between the two selected samples.
The results of this survey were operationalized into specific variables and statistically processed to offer a complete reconnaissance of the universe under investigation.
Therefore, the aim of this work is giving a contribution to the literature concerning family businesses, identifying the best practice that allow this specific type of business to be long-lived, solid and competitive over time.


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