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No. 97-Supplemento (2021): Fragile territories and Pandemic

Courtyard blocks’ strategic role in making compact cities more resilient

  • Lavinia Dondi
  • Michele Morganti
novembre 18, 2021


Coronavirus disease pandemic highlights fragilities of compact city, taken as settlement model since time due to its quality of space, efficiency, vibrancy and wellbeing; this has been true especially for high-density urban textures as, they typically lack of a network of proximity open spaces. In addition, pandemic has made us turn our attention towards one of the prevailing urban morphology: the courtyard block. Although underestimated in spatial, social and environmental terms the courtyard is a valuable potential for improving urban resilience. This study explores this potential in recent European regeneration experiences, bringing out five essential design topics to enhance the semi-private network of open spaces and increase resilience of compact city, also in relation to natural disasters, including health crises. 


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