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No. 97-Supplemento (2021): Fragile territories and Pandemic

Immaterial work and pandemic. From the worksphere to the in-between ho-wo

  • Michele Bassanelli
  • Imma Forino
novembre 18, 2021


The Covid-19 pandemic has transformed the lives of immaterial workers through forced teleworking and the reconfiguration of living spaces into operational offices.
The difficulties of the present day, however, are rooted in previous fragilities of immaterial labor, to which managerial organizations and spatial structures have continually adapted, while workers have assumed the uncertainty of their jobs and places of work as systemic.
The article traces a panorama of the weaknesses of tertiary work in the first twenty years of the 21st century and investigates the widespread scenario of workplaces during this health emergency. Then it probes possible ways of working and organizing environments (as the flipped workplace), while the confinement in the house gives rise to other opportunities for home working in intermediate areas between the home and semi-public environments.


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