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N. 97-Supplemento (2021): I territori fragili della pandemia: interpretazioni, luoghi, progetti, politiche

Urban extent of the epidemics: reflections on towns and plagues in Europe in the 19th century

  • Annunziata Maria Oteri
  • Oana Cristina Tiganea
18 novembre 2021


The essay analyses the effects of diseases and epidemics when dealing with the perception of urban spaces in the contemporary age. The main purpose is to look at the relationship between towns and diseases from a historical perspective within the European geographical space and reflect on the changes that epidemics have been implied in the urban, social, and economic structure
of the city over time. The essay analyses the strategies, methods, and practices carried out since the late 18th century to prevent and hinder epidemics through urban built environment configuration changes, uses, and planning. It also proposes a possible connection between the past, and sometimes conflicting experiences, and the processes and concepts raised during the ongoing  Covid-19 pandemic.

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