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SPECIAL ISSUE Digital clinical settings and virtual environments in assessment and treatment

N. 2 (2023)

The effectiveness of psychological interventions delivered online on the mental health of university students: New challenges for psychological sciences

18 maggio 2023


The purpose of this study was to provide an overview of studies on the effectiveness of online psychological and psychotherapeutic interventions aimed at college students. Studies were identified through a search of PubMed and Scopus. Empirical studies included were in English language with peer review and focused on online psychological or psychotherapeutic interventions. 18 studies were selected. The predominant online intervention was cognitive-behavioral therapy. Online psychological interventions were found to be effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression and treating other conditions. In addition, they have been shown to be at least as effective and acceptable as classical interventions. Interventions delivered online have been found to be effective in improving the mental health of college students. They represent a useful tool to be implemented in health services provided by universities.

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