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N. 1 (2023)

Natural environment and its psychological effects: Exploring individuals’ narratives

4 maggio 2023


In recent years, several clinical syndromes have emerged, labeled as ecopsychopathologies, underlying the psychological relationship between individuals and natural environment. The aim of the present study was to analyze the nature of psychological distress related to this relationship administering to a sample of 20 participants: the Eco Psychopathologies Interview. The narratives elicited by this semi-structured interview were recorded and transcribed. The elementary context analysis, carried out with the T-Lab software, led to a two-factors and three-clusters solution. The interpretation process has identified the factors as Narrative of the personal story and Action. Three clusters have emerged, labeled Bonding, Transforming and Educating.
As discussed, this qualitative data supports the idea that psychological distress emerging from the human relationship with the natural environment is a matter of identity, personal values and attachment to place.

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