Opinion section
No. 4 (2024)
A forum about For a liberatory politics of home di Michele Lancione (2023)
- Silvia Aru
- Francesca Governa
- Margherita Grazioli
- Sandro Mezzadra
- Michele Lancione
Michele Lancione's book, For a liberatory politics of home (Duke University Press, 2023), has been presented on several occasions abroad and reviewed in international journals (Rose, 2024). On 5 April 2024, the Politecnico di Torino hosted the first presentation in Italian of the work, coordinated by Silvia Aru and animated (in order) by Francesca Governa, Margherita Grazioli, Sandro Mezzadra and - following the stimuli of the participants - by the author himself.
In For a liberatory politics of home, Michele Lancione proposes a new approach to the theme of home and its ‘lack’ [home-lessness] that conceptually presupposes a dual movement. On the one hand, a critique of the most widespread models, epistemic and material, on which the ‘home question’ revolves. On the other, a tension [the For is not accidental] towards a transformative vision of the prevailing conceptualisation and associated practices.
The theme is highly topical, the theoretical and methodological approach of certain interest.
For this reason, as Editors of the Rivista geografica italiana, we proposed to the speakers of the meeting to give written form to their reflections on the work. From this wish of ours and their positive response, this Forum was born, the structure of which mirrors that of the meeting in Turin on 5 April.
Silvia Aru gives a reasoned presentation of the main themes and structure of the work. Francesca Governa, Margherita Grazioli and Sandro Mezzadra reflect - through different and complementary perspectives - on the book's main conceptual nodes, while the author's concluding essay further deepens and contextualises some passages, re-launching the debate through the pages of this journal.
The Editorial Staff
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