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Articoli. Climate chenge and geography

No. 2 (2022)

Is Italy adapting? The definition of climate change adaptation policies at a regional scale

  • Antonella Pietta
  • Marco Bagliani
  • Edoardo Crescini
maggio 11, 2022


In adaptation policies the local scale is central to delineate the vulnerabilities of the territories and to plan truly effective actions. The paper shows a critical analysis of the adaptation policies identified in Italy at a regional scale, focusing on some topics: the setting of policies and the governance developed for the implementation, the horizontal and vertical integration between policies, the presence and type of participatory processes, the consideration of the characteristics of the territories within the planning of policies. Lights and shadows emerge: out of 21 administrations, only 4 have completed the process, while at least 5 have not yet begun to mobilize in this direction.


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