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Articoli. Climate chenge and geography

No. 2 (2022)

Global food security and climate change. Looking beyond gross domestic product

  • Federico Martellozzo
  • Filippo Randelli
maggio 11, 2022


Recent researches suggest that the number of undernourished people in the world, after having steadily decreased since 2005, has started to increase again since 2014, and in 2020 it stood at around 811 million of people. Although food insecurity (FI) is a matter of dramatic relevance, and a global problem, it is nevertheless undeniable that some countries are more vulnerable, and consequently more susceptible to exogenous shocks (eg climate change, pandemics, etc.). The goal of this study is to offer analytical observations as a support tool for the development of policies aimed at understanding the elements of vulnerability of the food system in a given country. Although in the literature there are various indices for the study of FI, an interpretative - reductive - rationale is often adopted (sometimes for the sake of synthesis) which reproduces FI through a narrative of economic vulnerability. The analysis, through the re-elaboration of existing indicators and the formulation of predictive simulations, aims to problematize how the identified critical factors (e.g. the productive structure of a country, its commercial relations, irrigated soil, etc.) can significantly affect on the FI of a country, apart from a favorable internal economic situation.


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