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Articoli. Climate chenge and geography

No. 2 (2022)

Climate change and extreme events in urban areas: issues and experiences of heat waves in the case of Turin

  • Marco Bagliani
  • Elisa Bignante
  • Egidio Dansero
  • Angela Fedi
  • Stefano Menegat
maggio 11, 2022


Extreme events have major implications on people’s lives. The article analyses the impact of heat waves in urban contexts, with a focus on a case study. The analysis undertaken with the “Research on extreme events in Turin” is based on 120 semistructured interviews with residents of two marginal neighborhoods. The results confirm trends highlighted by international literature, in particular the perception of heat waves as phenomena aggravating the situation of people already burdened by pre-existing issues.
The results also highlight how cultural and psychosocial aspects are key factors to take into account when evaluating the vulnerability of local contexts to heat waves.


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