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No. 3 (2021)

How to organize energy communities? An attempt to deliver a methodology observing two Italian case studies

  • Luca Tricarico
  • Andrea Billi
settembre 16, 2021


The diffusion of community energy projects raises many questions and interpretations for the analysis of their organizational dimension. Among the wider community energy sector, Community Energy Enterprises represent a specific model of organizations, based on collective ownership, investment and governance schemes among different local stakeholders. Through the investigation of two Italian case studies, this article examines the work of project managers, communities and other local stakeholders in the various stages of the engagement process. The main objective is to identify a methodological perspective able to analyze the local development conditions for the implementation of these initiatives, with a focus on the relationship between interaction processes among local stakeholders and the “local added value” perceived by the community of investors in the project. The final section includes the identification of key conditions necessary to achieve the involvement of local communities in these initiatives, outlining possible competences and strategies that can be experimented within the emerging sector of Energy Communities.


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