No. 2 (2021)
Urban natures. Renaturing the (post)industrial city, the case of Brescia
The contribution examines the process of reintroducing nature into the urban environment through the perspective of social nature and urban political ecology, reconstructing the interaction between city and nature and overcoming the dichotomy that has always characterized them. In particular, following the UPE, the analysis specifically investigates the urbanization of nature and the urban metabolism, with the
idea that interconnected socio-ecological processes characterize it. The third section briefly review some urban theories, from the early twentieth century, dealing with what part the nature plays in the different phases of urban development and how it is conceived in Rivista geografica relation to the industrial and postindustrial city. The last section applied this approach to the Brescia case study, as an example of an Italian (post)industrial city, to evaluate how the city has been renaturalized.
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