No. 2 (2021)
Literary geographies of nature: notes for a more than human exploration
- Sara Luchetta
- Giada Peterle
As a cultural concept, as well as a research object, nature has got places and languages.
One of these languages, literary narration, is at the core of our reflection. Drawing from more than human geographies, this contribution explores two (literary) spaces, the urban and the mountain one, where nature takes shape as an active and creative subject. With the analysis of nature in the sprawling urbanization of North-east of Italy, narrated in Effetto Domino by Romolo Bugaro (2015), and in inner Italy of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennine narrated in I passi nel bosco by Sandro Campani (2020), the literary text is read as an ecosystem of voices and subjects that is able to suggest different perspectives on the
relationship between nature and the human, in and outside the page.
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