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Saggi, Studi e Ricerche

No. 48 (2016)

Preliminary Evidence of the Therapy Service Giocaresponsabile. Socio-economic Status and Gambling Behavior

maggio 29, 2017


It is well known that problem gamblers do not always recognize the critical situation they face. Moreover, shame and fear of stigma often represent insurmountable barriers which prevent many problem gamblers from seeking help. In the attempt to lower these barriers, new types of professional help have emerged which are based on the use of telephone and information technology (eg. professional helplines, online counseling, websites). This study aimed to investigate variables associated to the outcome of an Internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy (ICBT) for problem gambling (, examining the socio-economic profile and gambling behavior of users who initiated the therapy, completing it or not. The findings from this study, though preliminary, suggests that certain patients’ socio-economic characteristics and gambling behavior may have a bearing on the success or failure of an ICBT and that there is a need to adapt the therapy for those individuals at risk. 


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