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Materiali per la ricerca e l'approfondimento

No. 129 (2024)

Organize the Local Health Unit of Latina in light of DM 77: Analysis and Experiences

dicembre 10, 2024


In recent years, the Italian healthcare context has undergone profound changes and transformations, determined both by the evolution of the population’s needs and by the challenges imposed by the pandemic, which have accelerated the adoption of technological innovations. In particular, the Local Health Unit (in Italian Azienda Sanitaria Locale – ASL-) are called to remodel and redefine the organizational models of Territorial Assistance. These changes have an impact on various elements of the Italian healthcare context, including with respect to the communities of professionals, who must question themselves on the new emerging roles and new service opportunities with respect to the needs of patients. In line with ministerial indications, DGR 643 of 2022, the document “General Guidelines for the programming of territorial reorganization interventions of the Lazio Region in application of the activities envisaged by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR)…” was approved, which is part of the digital transition actions envisaged by Mission 6 -Salute-.
On these stimuli, the Local Health Unit of Latina has started the related organization and re-organization processes since 2023, described in this contribution. On the organizational analysis of this intervention model on the Lazio Territorial Health, some systemic and operational considerations have been developed, all aimed at highlighting practices available for future comparisons.


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