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No. 128 (2023)

The challenge of sustainability in knowledge-intensive public organizations. A model for integrating ESG logics within the corporate strategies of healthcare organizations

ottobre 2, 2024


Despite the substantial resources used to deliver its services and the impact generated at the environmental, social, and governance levels, the healthcare sector seems to need more interest in considering sustainability as a strategic asset functional to the survival and competitive development of the organization.
For this reason, through the elaboration of the “ESG Process Map”, 13 areas of action and 25 key themes specific to healthcare KIPOs were defined in order to enable the organizations under examination to identify the essential elements that help them to more consciously and responsibly direct the decisions and strategies to be undertaken with a view to sustainability. In addition, through the use of Social Network Analysis (SNA), the alignment between the contents of the Map and the 2030 Agenda Goals was assessed to understand the extent to which the health sector can contribute to the pursuit of the SDGs.
Such a process map lends itself to be easily adaptable to other sectors of the economy, given the simplicity and flexibility of the tool.


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