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No. 126 (2023)

Buying innovation in healthcare: Sharing responsibilities and roles. The case of purchasing diagnostic services through Value-Based Procurement

febbraio 16, 2024


Buying innovation in healthcare: sharing responsibilities and roles. The case of purchasing diagnostic services through Value-Based Procurement (VBP). In public procurement of goods and services in healthcare, an innovative approach has recently emerged, called Value-Based Procurement, which represents a change from the traditional short-term cost savings model towards a more comprehensive approach, in which the performance of the healthcare system, patient outcomes, as well as the long-term efficiency and effectiveness of decisions are fundamental elements. In this article, this model is applied to the purchase of a diagnosis service for cancer, for which the use of the “mutational model” is gaining ground, characterized by the use of diagnostic tests to search not so much for the tumor site as for the type of genetic mutation. The purpose of the work is the construction of a purchasing model based on value, in a particularly complex and multi-level scenario, defining objectives to be pursued, key indicators to evaluate the effects of innovation, methods of measuring the value generated for the various players involved (health system; patients; suppliers).


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