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Materiali per la ricerca e l'approfondimento

No. 123 (2022)

Digitization of healthcare support services. The experience of ESTAR

marzo 13, 2023


The paper analyzes the digitization process of the Tuscan administrative technical support body (ESTAR) by studying three sectors: personnel recruitment, acquisition of goods and services, drug logistics. It’s important to highlight that digitization represents a strategic choice by ESTAR which provided the opportunity for a redesign of the organizational structures and operative processes, especially those transversal to several Departments.
This is a fundamental factor for getting the benefits offered by digitization as demonstrated by the results obtained. The pandemic emergency has been a stress factor for the healthcare sector, but it has also encouraged the use of digital technologies. The PNRR constitutes a further driving force, which can be profitably used if the strategic direction to be followed is identified. The decision to centralize certain functions, if initially it was mainly inspired by the objective of obtaining “savings” on spending, was subsequently consolidated with the need to manage a huge amount of resources and to raise the quality of the services provided by ESTAR.


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