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Materiali per la ricerca e l'approfondimento

No. 123 (2022)

Digitalization and proximity healthcare: The project “Tigullio, luogo di salute” of ASL4 Liguria

marzo 13, 2023


This work shows the experience of digitalization of a public healthcare organization in Italy, describing the implementation of the project “Tigullio, luogo di salute”. The organization created such project in order to test a new territorial model of healthcare. The case shows how innovative services in healthcare can be developed and how organizational processes have to be adapted in order to achieve all the potential of the innovation.
One of the lessons learned from the experience is that digitalization should be interpreted as a change process. The project is not limited to create a new offer of services but it has the ambitious goal of achieving an organizational change driven by the needs of the patient and based on cooperation between professionals and the review of care pathways.


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