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Materiali per la ricerca e l'approfondimento

No. 123 (2022)

Remote diagnosis tools: how to connect hospitals with their territory. Tele-radiology pilot project of Azienda Socio-Sanitaria Ligure ASL2, Savona

marzo 13, 2023


The present case represents an innovative example of applied telemedicine in a context where aging population represent a key issue to be addressed. As a matter of fact, the province of Savana report the highest rate of population over 65 in the whole country.
The project of remote diagnosis consists in the implementation of a radiological service with the intent to reduce the distance between the hospital and the territory.
The core of the service consists in administering radiological exams directly at the patient’s house, without forcing him or her to walk into a clinic.
Given the aging issue characterizing the territory, this project aims to contribute to the well-being of the population living in the Savona province and first results already show positive impact of the service. Contained costs and sustainable development of the community represent two major outcomes that the project achieved.


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