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No. 122 (2022)

A digital transformation framework for out of hospital care

novembre 3, 2022


The Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) provided Italy with 191.5 billion euros. For the Italian NHS, physical infrastructures and “logistic hardware” will certainly undergo profound changes, it is also necessary to invest in the redesign of services for users and processes, as well as in strengthening skills of healthcare professionals.
The former has been extensively addressed, while the latter has been delegated to the full autonomy of the regions or, in their absence, of Local Health Authorities.
This article presents a disruptive innovation framework for health and social services, with a particular focus on proactive medicine, chronic and frail patients, and new methods of access and use for all patients. In particular, the authors believe that the macro-processes that most need to be redesigned are the following:
• The methods of accessing and recruiting patients to preventive services and programs;
• Models of taking charge and case management;
• Models for planning and booking services;
• The channels of communication between citizens and NHS.


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