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No. 1 (2022)

Group fields maintenance. Conversation with Stefano Alba about the role of psychologists in social working contexts

giugno 12, 2024


The following work represents a written attempt to give form and structure to a discussion shared between the members of the “Third sector”, subgroup of the Observatory section of the journal Groups and dr. Stefano Alba, authoritative figure and long-time member of COIRAG. The conversation deals with the macro-theme concerning the psychologist/psychotherapist at work in more “social” contexts such as communities, family homes, day centres, apartment-groups, nursing homes. These settings are the places, often crossed by the young Psychology graduate, that most often contribute radically to his/ her training. The questions that open in the paper concern the critical issues encountered, the similarities and differences in regard to the "classic" setting of private practice, what type of therapeutic contribution can be put in place and how, what are the dynamics at play. The authors’ goal tried to maintain what we believe is the true nature of the following contribution: a work by and through the group co-constructed thanks to the stimuli and ideas that emerged from the discussion with dr. Alba and the “Third sector” working group.


  1. Alba S. (2013). La comunità terapeutica: un gruppo omogeneo? Il lavoro con il gruppo degli operatori e con il gruppo degli ospiti. In: Vasta F.N., Girelli R. e Gullo R. Quale omogeneità nei gruppi? Roma: Alpes.
  2. Alba S. e D’Elia L. (2008). Fondare e rifondare il gruppo in Comunità terapeutica. Plexus, 1: 34-42.
  3. Jervis G. e Ferro A.M., a cura di (1999). La bottega della psichiatria. Dialoghi sull’operare psichiatrico a vent’anni dalla Legge 180. Torino: Bollati Boringhieri.
  4. Sennett R. (2012). Insieme. Rituali, piaceri, politiche della collaborazione. Milano: Feltrinelli.


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