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No. 1 (2022)

A digital container where the measure is the body. The experience of a psychoeducational group in a pandemic period

giugno 12, 2024


The Sars-Cov-2 pandemic has brought forward significant social changes, severing ties between the other and the institution. The health system was forced to operationalize a reorganization of its model through which normal services are delivered. The need to guarantee the continuity of interventions that use the relationship as a central tool in clinical work has led to a re-thinking of the tools used in the social-health system. The purpose of this article is to provide evidence of an innovative experience of online readjustment of group devices, preferred tools of psycho-educational work with adolescents responsible for the territorial services of an NGO. Physical distancing was used as a measure of an area within which to develop new definitions of the self and new autonomies. The configuration to online meetings sketched the borders of a new relational territory, those of which potential remain unexplored. The importance of keeping alive these relationships during lockdown has required the use of new tools, rendering it possible to access new modes of connecting in a digital space.


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