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No. 2 (2021)

Reflections and invitation to read Robi Friedman’s book: Dreamtelling, disturbi della relazione e matrice del soldato

aprile 28, 2023


Roby Friedmann’s book, of great interest and innovative in many respects, highlights the author’s ability to learn courageously from his own life experience. This allowed the author to express great creativity and authenticity in dealing with the issues dealt with, starting with dreamtelling and highlighting its relational dynamics. The focus on relationships characterises the entire text. The author tackles and deepens the theme of the pathology of relationships and recalls that Foulkes had already hypothesised that the pathology was not of the individual but in the relationships, a hypothesis confirmed by work in the group setting. The third concluding part, which is particularly creative, concerns the soldier’s matrix, which refers not only to the army but also to the highly militarised social environment in which it is embedded and the relationship that is established with an enemy group. The reading reveals a constant ethical tension in which the tripartite matrix is not only the cornerstone of psychoanalysis, but of the life of every human being in which the individual matrix, the foundational matrix and the dynamic matrix recede, approach and overlap, opening us to trust and hope.


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  2. Bion W.R. (1965). Trasformazioni. Roma: Armando, 2001.
  3. Corbella S. (2014). Liberi legami. Roma: Borla.
  4. Foulkes S.H. (1964). Therapeutic Group Analysis. London: Allen and Unwin. Re-printed 1984, London: Karnac (trad. it.: Analisi terapeutica di gruppo. Torino: Boringhieri, 1967).
  5. Friedman R. (2002). Dream-Telling as a Request for Containment in Group Therapy. The Royal Road Through the Other. In: Pines M., Neri C. e Friedman R., Dreams in Group Psychotherapy. London: Jessica Kingsley (trad. it.: Il raccon-to-di-un sogno come richiesta di contenimento nella terapia di gruppo: La via regia attraverso l’altro. In: Neri C., Pines M. e Friedman R., I sogni nella psicoterapia di gruppo. Roma: Borla, 2005).
  6. Friedman R. (2019). Dreamtelling, disturbi della relazione e matrice del soldato. Ed. italiana a cura di Furin A. e Formentin S., Milano: FrancoAngeli, 2021.
  7. Neri C. (2021). Il gruppo come cura. Milano: Raffaello Cortina.
  8. Tagliagambe F. (2016). Prefazione. In: Carraro I., Insieme… a tempo limitato. Padova: Cleup.
  9. Zucca Alessandrelli C. (2001). GRF: gruppo per la ripresa delle funzioni (parte prima). Gli Argonauti, XXIII, 91: 319-336.
  10. Zucca Alessandrelli C. (2002). GRF: gruppo per la ripresa delle funzioni (parte seconda), Gli Argonauti, XXIV, 92: 45-46


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