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V. 8 N. 2 (2023): Innovazione e processi trasformativi per le didattiche STEAM

Hybrid blended learning solutions in a STEM teaching of the degree course in Computer Engineering

21 November 2023


The case study reports the implementation of Hybrid Blended Learning solutions in the teaching of Fundamentals of Analysis and Probability in the Computer Engineering Degree Course at the University of Padua. The teaching organization and methodology have been revised in a transformative perspective, using innovative STEM and digitally integrated approaches in blended learning mode (Ministerial Decree 289/2021). The context of the study is a cohort of 200 students, divided into two groups for organizational issues. The study analyzed data collected with different instruments: a survey administered by the lecturer and the course evaluation questionnaire required by university quality assurance standards, focusing on overall satisfaction, organizational and teaching aspects and perceived workload. In addition, data on final examination assessment were taken into account.

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