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Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024): University teaching innovation to develop career guidance and work-place transition processesAnno

Active orientation in the school-university-work transition

gennaio 14, 2025


The topic of support for career choice in relation to the transition phase from school to university and to the world of work has become a relevant focus in the debate on orientation. Choosing the major in secondary school, the university course, the specific skills to develop or the directions in which to direct one's learning efforts apparently seem like simple tasks that concern all young adults in moments of transition and passage from school to university and from university to the world of work, but this is not always the case: these are, in fact, crucial development tasks for the construction of a future working and professional identity for which people are not always prepared and/or adequately supported from the family, social and cultural context that surrounds them. It is suggested the implementation of a support system for the development of Career Management Skills, skills and abilities necessary for the management, exploration, identification and realization of personal educational and professional expectations. The article presents, in this direction, the educational and professional orientation paths dedicated to secondary school and university students, in line with the provisions of the PNRR reforms.


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