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Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024): Innovative and transformative didactics in Human, Economical-Legal and Socio-Political Sciences

Children’s Literature, Ecocritical Dialogues and Social-Emotional Learning: Developing Integrated Teaching Practices

giugno 27, 2024


An innovative primary teacher education course at the University of Padova combines children’s literature, ecocritical dialogues, and social-emotional learning (SEL). It aims to enhance educational quality and prepare teachers for global environmental and social challenges. Developed through the Green Dialogues project, it fosters internationalization and interdisciplinarity. This article examines the course’s interdisciplinary teamwork, focusing on its design and teaching methods. A case study highlights the benefits of incorporating ecocritical and SEL approaches in climate action teacher education. The course illustrates how children’s stories can foster environmental and social consciousness and empathy among students. This approach not only enhances pedagogical practices but also prepares teachers to contribute meaningfully to climate literacy and social equity in European higher education.


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