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Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024): Innovative and transformative didactics in Human, Economical-Legal and Socio-Political Sciences

Faculty as Change Agents between changes and challenges: The case of University of Padova

giugno 27, 2024


Teaching innovation (TI) is one of the actions that Higher Education systems have to implement to play the role of agencies that guide change. TI is an initiative that at the University of Padova has been designed into different paths for about last eight years, one of which is the path for change agents (CAs), who have the function of generating change within their contexts. The purpose of this qualitative research is to know what changes the teachers involved have experienced both in the teaching/learning processes and as CAs in their departments. The results show that there has been a significant change in terms of teaching perspectives and practices, but further efforts need to be made to perform an effective role as CA.


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