In a view of the school as a complex adaptive system, understood as a set of interacting elements (Murray Gell-Mann, 1995; Sibilio, 2014), the role of teachers as true agents of change (Avrimidis & Norwich, 2002; Hattie, 2012) in adapting to meet the challenges posed by the multifaceted nature of today's society can be recognized. Particularly central is a training oriented towards the full realization of Inclusive Education, as suggested by numerous international documents (EADSNE, 2009, 2012, 2014). Considering this, the present contribution aims to propose an initial reflection on the potential of a cross-pollination in teacher training between the research approach of appreciative inquiry and the language of music for inclusive educational design.
This intention stems from the possibility of identifying common traits between the theoretical framework of appreciative inquiry, based on narrative and the sharing of personal stories in a positive light (Cooperider & Srivastva, 1987; Cooperrider et al., 2008), and music, a universal language capable of fostering dialogue and communication towards a common purpose. In this sense, incorporated into training pathways, positive narrative through musical means could potentially promote in teachers the acquisition of reflective and transformative skills enabling them to manage various situations, being flexible and adept at charting innovative educational and organizational paths both in addressing the present and guiding the future (Mezirow, 2003).
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