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Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Instructional innovation and transformative processes in STEAM

Transforming higher education: From Flipped lessons and MOOCs to lifelong learning for archaeologists

novembre 21, 2023


This paper explores the transformative impact of flipped learning and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on higher education, specifically in the field of medieval archaeology at the University of Padova. It delves into the implementation of these innovative approaches, their effects on student performance, and the valuable insights gained from student feedback. Additionally, it highlights the global reach of MOOCs created as a complement to these courses, including their multiple functions and implications also for lifelong learning. The findings suggest that blending online and traditional teaching can create a dynamic and inclusive educational experience that caters to the needs of traditional students, professional archaeologists who want to improve their skills and competencies and enthusiasts of archaeology.


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