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Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Instructional innovation and transformative processes in STEAM
Service Learning as the Italian Way to Legal Clinics: Strengths and weaknesses
Università degli Studi dell’Insubria di Varese e Como
Università degli Studi dell’Insubria di Varese e Como
Università degli Studi dell’Insubria di Varese e Como
This paper provides a comprehensive exploration of the institution of Legal Clinics in the context of the Service Learning model, with a particular focus on methodological and disciplinary considerations, within the framework of Italian legal academia.
In response to the evolving landscape of higher education, particularly in the field of Legal Sciences, there is a growing imperative to contemplate educational innovation. This paper addresses the pressing need to foster a symbiotic relationship between pedagogical models and practical experiences. Legal Clinics serve as a pioneering example of how traditional teaching and learning methodologies can be adapted to various academic contexts, imbued with perspectives and nuances tailored to the specific disciplinary and cultural milieu they inhabit, all in accordance with the principles of interdisciplinarity.
Following an exploration of the potential benefits associated with adopting an interdisciplinary approach to education, this paper delves into the methodology of Service Learning and its capacity to seamlessly integrate learning with community service (the “third mission”). Subsequently, Legal Clinics are scrutinized in terms of their educational implications at both the national and international levels, with a particular focus on the unique adaptations required for their effective implementation within the current framework of Italian higher education.
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