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Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): Innovative teaching and faculty development: Theoretical and operational dimensions

Practices and results of a proposal for university tutor training at the University of Padua

giugno 12, 2023


This contribution deepens the topic of university tutor training, a fundamental aspect that guarantees an adequate preparation of the figures working in the tutoring services and an effective development of the activities. After an in-depth study of the literature, we present the University of Padua’s tutor training proposal, also reporting some research data. In particular, we explored the expectations and training needs of a.y. 2022-23 tutors before starting the training and their satisfaction and experience at the end of the training. The research involved a “pre-post” administration and the feedback from 98 tutors was analysed. The results confirm the importance of the training to develop knowledge and skills that are fundamental for performing the tutoring role to the best of one’s ability, also demonstrating a high level of satisfaction of the participants with the proposed training activities. Moreover, the data collected represent a fundamental basis for assessing what was offered and for adequately redesigning training actions.


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  25. Sitografia (ultimo accesso 15 maggio 2023)
  26. Avviso di selezione 2022-23 progetti sperimentali e di supporto UNIPD:
  27. Avviso di selezione 2022/23 Tutor Inclusione UNIPD:
  28. Avviso di selezione 2022/23 Tutorato Informativo e Didattico UNIPD:
  29. SCUP unipd:


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