Nowadays Universities are called upon to provide for a rapid innovation of their skills in order to support international competitiveness in an increasingly globalized society from an economic, social, political, cultural, scientific and technological point of view. The internationalization of businesses, the opening of borders, new technologies have led universities to adopt internationalization policies that promote the mobility of students, teachers and administrative staff, the vehicular use of foreign and foreign languages. Particular of English, the growth of international exchange, study and research programs, the introduction of double, multiple and joint degrees. One wonders if internationalization is always and in any case a qualifying element or can it also take on negative connotations and unexpected implications. We are witnessing a rethinking of the mission of universities, as driving forces for progress, development and evolution. For an university, internationalization does not mean forgetting or devaluing its history and tradition, but on the contrary, it must be interpreted as a challenge to design new growth dynamics and enhancement strategies and to redevelop itself as an inclusive and universal university.
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