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Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): Processi Trasformativi e Sostenibili nei Contesti Educativi e Formativi. Per lo Sviluppo di una Pedagogia Impegnata

Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition in Distance Learning: Examining the Effects on University Students

aprile 8, 2021


The CIRC model, Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition, which focuses on the combined mastery of comprehension and composition strategies, can be effective for promoting writing as a conscious and systematic activity for the study in students. In an essential relationship with reading, the co-construction of texts stimulates students to exercise multiple skills: analyzing and synthesizing, imagining and anticipating, choosing and selecting, integrating and elaborating, organizing contents regarding different communicative situations and recipients. In this paper, the exercise of reading and text composition skills on a group of university students preparing to become teachers was investigated. The CIRC program was applied in a distance learning path. Through shared writing, the dual aim of the project was: facilitating individual study activities in 285 students; increasing their awareness in the use of the CIRC technique in primary school classroom. Although the findings concern only one experiential situation that cannot be generalized, the implementation of the project allowed to indicate the efficacy of the procedures used.


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