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Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021): La formazione iniziale e continua nell'educazione, nella formazione e nell'istruzione: modelli formativi, pratiche didattiche e strategie di valutazione

Secondary paths of a multilevel adaptive test and formative assessment

settembre 30, 2021


In this paper we illustrate the process of analyzing the responses provided by students in a computer-based multilevel adaptive test for the estimation of mathematics skills in grade 10 of the Italian education system. The estimation was carried out by means of a multilevel adaptive test 1 - 3 - 3 constructed within the framework of a doctoral research in Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology and Educational Research. In the first part of the article we describe the structure of the test and how it works, as well as the advantages it offers over a classic linear test, such as greater precision in the estimation of abilities and the possibility of directly comparing the results obtained by students who have followed different paths. Then, we analyze the students’ performance in one of the secondary pathways of the test both to highlight in which questions they encountered greater difficulties, with a view to a formative assessment, and to investigate the reasons why in a given phase of the test the students showed an unexpected drop in performance. In the analysis of the results of a multilevel adaptive test, the study of secondary paths is of particular interest because they include students for whom the estimate of ability varies in the passage from one level to another and it is therefore possible to hypothesize the partial acquisition of some knowledge and skills.


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