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2021: Special Issue - Faculty Development e Digital Scholarship: questioni di ricerca nell’istruzione superiore

Methodologies, educational technologies and experiences in promoting teaching and learning skills

gennaio 25, 2021


The emergency situation arising from the spread of Covid-19 has determined an extraordinary condition for all educational institutions. In this paper, the focus is specifically on the university which has seen thousands of teachers suddenly grappling with the need to adopt distance learning solutions for their students despite not having specific skills and experience in this area. This situation has highlighted a series of needs linked to a specific training demand that affects both the educational aspects and those of didactic research which is trying to provide a reading of the phenomenon in order to feed a mature reflection on the relationship between media, environments (real or virtual) learning and teaching strategies. However, this emergency situation may result in unprecedented situations of qualified redesign of higher education, first of all through a requalification of university teaching and, therefore, of specific skills of their teachers able to use strategies, methods and tools (both in presence and at a distance) to foster active, constructive and interactive learning. The paper, starting from the framework of innovation in higher education proposed by Gilly Salmon, describes an exploratory analysis on the MOOCs offered by some of the main international platforms as a methodological training opportunity for teachers during the most difficult period of the Covid-19.


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